Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Shall we try again?

Okay, so I'm going to try to write some more on my blog.  Apparently some people are actually reading it though I never told anyone I had a blog.  Maybe I should invite some people to check it out.
Things are hectic right now.  I have the Multi-state Professional Responsibility Exam coming up in just over a week.  Its an ethics exam that you have to pass before they will even consider allowing you to take the Bar Exam.  So I'm rushing to try to understand the class before I have to take the big exam.  On top of all that I have things coming due in all my other classes, so its been a lot like juggling.  
On the side I've been advocating for the right to carry a concealed firearm on campus.  There was a recent bill that went through the legislature which was supposed to strip any supposed authority from the university to regulate firearms.  However, the legislature wussed out like it always does, and so the gun rights advocates have to start all over again.  We're looking for other ways of getting the job done.
In other news, Soren busted his chin open this week.  As the story goes (from the mouth of Kaydence of course) she was chasing Soren and Soren tripped and nailed his chin on the coffee table.  The first thing she said when I saw her after the incident was "Soren did it himself."  And when the doctor asked her what happened she told him, "I didn't do it."  I have a sneaking suspicion that she may have given him a little push.  We thought he may have to get stitches, but the doctor just put some super glue stuff in the cut and a band aid on his chin.
Kaydence got away this week as well.  While Mama was folding the laundry, she decided that she was going to the manager's office and get a sucker.  Katy found her in the lounge enjoying her lollipop.  I thought we had her broke of that running away thing.
I got a new phone this week.  Its one of those PDA/Smartphone devices.  Its really cool.  Though not as cool as an iPhone.  Dang you Verizon!
Anways, thats all thats happening this week.  If I can muster the motivation, I'll keep you all posted and informed next week.

Updated:  I just added a funny picture of Soren for fun.


Karla said...

Hi! Sound like life is busy!! Good luck on your test!

Mindy said...

Hello Craig! It's good to hear what you're up to. Good luck on your upcoming test! Is campus really that dangerous? I hope Soren is feeling better. Have a great day!

Craig Atkinson said...

Hey, thanks for the encouragement. I think I'm going to need it. Soren is feeling fine. He was feeling fine moments after he did it. It just so happened that his skin was split and wasn't going to heal very well on its own. He didn't care one way or the other though. He's a tough kid.
Our campus isn't dangerous really, compared to other campuses. Though just while I've been here there have been multiple muggings, robberies, murders, and even a rape right on campus. Many of these things took place off campus, but many others took place on campus. But that's beside the point for doing what I'm doing. My argument is that the state cannot take away our right to defend ourselves, no matter how safe "they" think it may be.
Enough soap boxing on my part. Hope your dong well. Thanks for posting on my blog!

Craig Atkinson said...

Thanks for writing on my blog. Thanks for wishing me luck on my test.