Sunday, October 19, 2008

Stock up!

If any of you who read this blog have ever considering buying a semi-automatic rifle, or what the anti-gunners call an "assault rifle", then now is the time.  I hear people saying they are going to buy one "if Obama wins".  HELLO PEOPLE!  It's not a matter of "if".  He is going to win.  Buy it now while the prices are still relatively low.  Once Obama is elected the price of these guns is going to sky rocket.
Now if you have not considered buying one of these, then that's a whole other matter.  You should consider buying one.  If you have food storage, but don't have one of these to defend it with, then your in a precarious position.  I wish I had about 5 more of these.


Matt said...

I don't have food storage. All you need is a gun.

Matt said...

Just kidding. Gee, Craig... You sound like a redneck.

Craig Atkinson said...

You mean you doubted my redneckness?

The Wendt Family said...

Craig...Jon just turned 21 and he says "screw the booze, I'm getting a gun!" He really wants one. Any recommendations???

Craig Atkinson said...

Your in the precarious position of living in a communist state. Sorry about that, but California sucks for gun owners. What has happened in California is what is going to happen to the rest of America in the next 8 years of an Obama presidency. However, not all is lost. Your husband could still get a decent gun. He can't have an AR-15 like the one you see in the picture on my blog, but he could still get a nice rifle or a nice handgun. What are you thinking, does he want a rifle or a handgun?

Mandy said...

are you and katy going to give me an "assault rifle" for graduation? haha! as if craig would let such a special gun go to waste in my hands.

Craig Atkinson said...

If Dinko and I were not drowning in debt, or better yet, rich. We would not hesitate to buy you a semi automatic rifle. Only on one condition though, you have to stop calling it an assault rifle.

Karla said...

Hi Craig Uncle Steve Here Bought a Bushmaster AR 15 and a FN 5.7 x 28 mm pistol ( semi auto with 20 shot clip aslo shoots at 2200 ft,. per cecond its a pistol that shoots ballists like a rifle) I bought it a week before the election. glad I did you can't hardly find one to buy now.