Monday, May 19, 2008

Big Bad Prosecutor.

I started my externship at the Gem County Prosecutor's Office today, and also learned that my application for my limited license was accepted.  So I am officially a limited licensed attorney.  It was a pretty good day for the most part.  I had to read lots of case files about a lot of things I'd rather not know, but its all part of the job I guess.  Tomorrow I get to spend all day in court which will be a lot more fun than sitting at a desk reading case files.  Other than that not a lot is going on here.  Its been hotter than a pistol outside.  I'm really feeling cheated out of spring.  Summer leaped on us from out of nowhere.  Whatever happened to "April Showers Bring May Flowers," and "In like a lamb out like a lion," and all that jazz?  

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