Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bridging the Gap!

Well I really don't have much to say at the moment, but I feel like I need to bridge the gap in between my updates, besides I'm bored.  

I'm officially and technically over with my externship, but I've continued to work at the Prosecutor's Office because it's great experience, and they have me lined up for some jury trials. My first being July 23rd.

I'm prosecuting some old man who rented a car from a dealership, and never brought it back. When I tell it in summary everyone always say, "awww, I bet he was just senile and forgot to take it back."  No, trust me, this guy is as guilty as the day is long.  All of the information he gave the car dealership was conveniently false, and thus he couldn't be contacted or found.  The police finally caught him.  Plus, the guy has a rap sheet of thefts and frauds.  Now, I just hope the jury buys it.

I've decided to graduate early and I've been hustling to get things figured out in order to make it happen.  I have to apply late for graduation and pay a bunch of late fees (dang those communists), and I had to get special permission to take more than the maximum allowable credits, 20 instead of 18.  I'm going to have a very busy fall, but then I can take the bar in the winter and start working a whole semester early.  I think it will be worth the extra effort.  I am sick of school and just want to start making money and working on getting a house.

The kids have been crazy this week.  They have been sooooo naughty, you can't even leave them for 10 minutes alone or they will tear the place up where they stand.  I am currently sitting in the living room, right between their two rooms, typing this blog, and waiting for them both to quit crying, and quit trying to sneak out of their rooms, or in other words fall asleep.  Every few minutes I'll hear Soren start to sneak out of his room whimpering and I have to snap at him to get back in his room.  Ahh, the joys of being the father.

Well I guess my boredom pulled more creativity out of me than I had planned.  Hope you're all feeling well.  Don't forget to put a comment on my blog if you visit it.  It motivates me to write more. :)


Sarah Brimhall said...

Good luck with your upcoming trial, it sounds like a no brainer to me, hopefully the jury will see it the same way! Also, hopefully, you and your fam will be able to come down to Utah next week and hang out. We'll be there Wed-Sun!

Craig Atkinson said...
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Katyanne said...

I love hearing about "our" life in your words...I don't get much out of you in terms of your soul. You never stop talking about philosophy or another electronic gadget or apple creation long enough to talk about how you feel about "the real issues" in our lives.

So keep posting!!!!

Love you.

Lindz_e said...

HEre you go =) keep posting and comment on my page once in awhile =)