Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Wife Tag

My wife had this post on her blog, I've modified it so that I can respond to the survey.

1.  What is her name?

Katy Anne Atkinson

2.  Who eats more?

Her.  I don't eat much.  I eat small portions.  But I drink a ton.  Mostly pop.

3.  Who said "I love you" first?

Who knows.  Katy is all frantic that she can't remember, but I'm glad we don't.  It's representative of our relationship.  We don't live a life full of check lists.  It wasn't like, well, I said I love her, got that checked off my list.  

4.  Who is taller?

I am.  I'm 6' 2", and Katy is 5' 11".  Our kids are going to be giants I'm afraid.

5.  Who is smarter?

Depends on what you mean by smart.  Some ways I'm smarter, other ways she is.

6.  Who is more sensitive?

She thinks she is since she cries.  I think this is an example of how little women know about men.  Nietzsche likened understanding a man (a male) to seeing the foam upon the surface of a deep dark body of water.  Underneath the foam there are things you will never see.

7.  Who does the laundry?

She does.  We still believe in gender roles. :)  Call us old fashion.

8.  Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?

We switch it up.  Again, this is representative of our relationship.  We are quite spontaneous.  Things are always changing.

9.  Who pays the bills?

Katy does.  I hate dealing with money.

10.  Who cooks more?

Katy does of course.  Gender roles again.

11.  Who is more stubborn?

I'll admit to that one.

12.  Who is the first to admit that they are wrong?

Me.  It just so happens that I'm not wrong all that often.

13.  Who has more siblings?

Her.  By a long-shot.

14.  Who wears the pants in the family?

That should be clear by now I think.

15.  What do you like to do together?

Almost everything we do we do together.  We watch movies and television together.  For television we love 24, the Office, Heroes, etc.  We like to shoot guns.  We like to play Nintendo Wii.  Too many things to put all down here.

16.  Who eats more sweets?

Me.  No contest!  I probably need to cut back.

17.  Guilty Pleasures?

I'm not quite sure what this question is asking.

18.  How did you meet?

I met Katy while doing my duty. :)  I was her (and her roommates) home-teacher.  You better bet I didn't miss a Sunday.

19.  Who proposed?

Me of course.  Gender roles.

20.  What is her best features?

She has beautiful green eyes.  She has long legs.  And she is tall.  She is also pretty funny once you get to know her and get used to her humor.  Until then you'll think she hates your guts.

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